We are trading for you

META BOT is the perfect choice for investors who want to earn stable daily profits without committing to long-term investments. Our trading bots use a combination of technical analysis, fundamental analysis and up-to-date news indicators to make sequential trades from a list of monitored crypto currencies, stocks and Foreign Exchange markets, to make the best possible returns.
Stable Profits
Achieve financial security with our guaranteed returns on after 1 day investments.
Expertise at Work
Partner with a team of skilled traders, stock exchange specialists, and speculators for consistent profits.
Diverse Investment Portfolio
Diversify your investments with our constantly evolving portfolio of stock, forex, and other investment opportunities.
Trusted Service
Enjoy peace of mind with our fast, efficient, and reliable service, backed by our commitment to quality.

Investment Strategies

Profit Calculator

4% After

1 Day
Minimum: $50
Maximum: $3499
Return on Investment: 104%
Referral Commission: 5%-1%-0.5%

6% After

1 Day
Minimum: $3500
Maximum: $7,499
Return on Investment: 106%
Referral Commission: 5%-1%-0.5%

8% After

1 Day
Minimum: $7,500
Maximum: $1,000,000
Return on Investment: 108%
Referral Commission: 5%-1%-0.5%
Minimum Investment:
Maximum Investment
After 1 Day
Principal Return
Yes, with 0 fees

Meta Bot Features And Benefits

Key features and benefits of Our AI trading Bot.

Advanced Algorithms:
Our AI trading bot utilizes sophisticated algorithms to analyze vast amounts of market data and historical trends, providing valuable insights and identifying potentially profitable opportunities.

Real-time Market Analysis:
Our AI trading continuously monitors real-time market conditions, reacting quickly to changing trends and news, enabling traders to make informed decisions promptly.

Risk Management:
Our AI trading can implement risk management strategies, setting stop-loss levels and ensuring trades align with predetermined risk parameters, helping to protect investments.

Diversified Portfolio Management:
Our AI trading can efficiently manage diversified portfolios, automatically balancing asset allocation based on market conditions and investor preferences.

Backtesting Capabilities:
Our AI trading can test strategies using historical data, assessing the it's performance and fine-tuning algorithms before applying them in live trading.

For more inquiries on our bot trading methodology please contact the live support.

How it Works

With just a few clicks, you can start earning passive income without having to actively manage your investments. Here's a step-by-step guide on how the platform works:
1. Sign Up
Sign up by providing your full name, username, valid email address, and password. The process is simple and straightforward.
2. Make Deposit
Deposit funds into the platform to start earning passive income with our tradint bot. Choose the amount you want to invest and payment method.
3. Earn Daily Income
Passively earn daily income as the platform generates returns from your deposited funds after 24 hours of successful trades. Keep track of your earnings in real-time.
4. Withdraw Funds
Withdraw your earnings to your private wallet at any time. You can also reinvest from account balance to increase your portfolio.

Referral Program

Earn unlimited income

on aimeta-bot.com by referring others to the platform. No deposit is needed to participate, simply copy your referral link and share it. Commissions earned will be immediately credited to your account balance and can be withdrawn to your wallet or reinvested. Make use of social media to showcase your financial success and show others how easy it is to multiply their money with us. There's no limit to your potential earnings!

Referral Commission
$20,000 - $1,000,000: 10% - 2% - 1%
$10,000 - $19,999: 7% - 2% - 1%
$50 - $9,999: 5% - 1% - 0.5%

AI META BOT gives you:

Passive Income

Enjoy stable daily profits on your investments without the need for any special knowledge or skills.

Zero Fees

Unlike many other investment platforms, we do not charge any fees for deposits or withdrawals.

Data Safety

Invest with confidence knowing that your personal and financial information is protected by the best security measures available.

Support & Community

Our platform provides 24/7 chat support with real agents. We also have Telegram and Discord groups where where our community is gathered.


What is aimeta-bot.com platform, and how does it work?
META BOT platform is a Fund (66300) and Financial management (70221) platform that offers investors the opportunity to earn stable daily profits with our trading bots.
Our team of experts uses their knowledge and experience to invest in a range of financial products, including short-term trading, swaps, arbitrage, forex, currency options, and more. Users can choose between three investment plans, with longer investment periods offering higher profits. At the end of the investment period, the main capital (deposit) is returned to the user. Users can make deposits and receive earnings in a range of cryptocurrencies,
Is it safe to invest in the AI META BOT, and can I trust it?
Yes, it is safe to invest in the AI META BOT platform, and we take every step possible to ensure the security and safety of our users. Our company is legally registered in the UK and based in London, and we have a team of experts with years of experience in the world of finance and cryptocurrency trading. We also have a track record of successful transactions and satisfied users who have earned stable daily profits through our platform. In terms of security, we use the latest technologies and protocols to protect our users' personal and financial information. We also regularly review and update our security measures to ensure that we are staying ahead of any potential threats.
How are crypto payments settled on the aimeta-bot.com ?
At aimeta-bot.com, all deposits and withdrawals are settled in USD. If a user chooses to use a cryptocurrency as their payment method, and the cryptocurrency has a floating exchange rate, the user will receive an amount of that cryptocurrency that matches the USD value of their deposit or withdrawal at the time of the transaction.
What is the minimum deposit amount?
The minimum deposit amount on the AI META BOT platform is $50 or the equivalent in the selected cryptocurrency, converted at the current exchange rate.
There is different minimum deposit amount for all three of our meta trading bots.
How many versions of trading bot do you have?
We have three versions of trading bots, meta 1.0, meta 2.0 and meta 3.0. They have minimum tradable amount allowed on each bot. These bots are hosted on high speed dedicated server for optimal performance.
What is the minimum amount to withdraw?
The minimum amount to withdraw on the AI META BOT platform is the same on all the payment system that is used to make the deposit.
The minimum amount to withdraw is:

How long does it take to process a withdrawal?
At AI META BOT LIMITED, withdrawals are processed instantly.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the withdrawal process, confirmations, or any other aspect of our platform, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.
Can I reinvest my funds on the aimeta-bot.com?
Yes, you can reinvest your funds on the aimeta-bot.com platform. Once your earnings are credited to your account balance, you can use them to make another deposit without the need to withdraw to your wallet. This allows you to avoid potential time delays and transaction fees associated with making a new deposit from wallet. Reinvesting is also a faster and more convenient way to maximize your returns on the platform.
How many Version of Bot Do you have?
We have three version of bots, These bots are .
All our bot versions have minimum tradable amount allowed on it. They are also hosted on high speed dedicated server for optimal performance and generation of steady profit.
How to keep my account safe?
At AI META BOT, we take account security very seriously and encourage our users to follow some basic security rules to keep their accounts safe. These rules include setting a strong password of at least 6 characters, including numbers, upper and lower case letters, and/or special characters. Never share your login and password with anyone, and always use a different password than you use to access your email account. It is also highly recommended to enable 2 Factor Authentication for an additional layer of security.

In addition, we would like to warn our users about potential imposters who may attempt to impersonate our staff or request sensitive information. Please note that our support staff will never send private messages to users or ask for any deposits to external wallets. All payments must be made ONLY through the official website https://aimeta-bot.com as a deposit. All group chats are for general information and solutions only.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your account security or any other aspect of our platform, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team. You can reach us by email at support@aimeta-bot.com., or by using our Live Chat Support on our website https://aimeta-bot.com.
We take the security of our platform and the safety of our users' funds very seriously, and we appreciate your cooperation in following these guidelines to help ensure a safe and secure investment experience.

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